India – March ’14

Being invited again to come to the eastern part of Andhra Pradesh by our highly esteemed host Pastor Dr. Jona Savarapu, Director of United Grace Missions and Overseer of hundreds of churches in AP. We preached and ministered in 12 open air meetings at six different locations.

Although Western preachers are not allowed to minister in public meetings in recent times (police interrupting and stopping the meetings), the High Court in Hyderabad issued a so called ‘Stay Order’ for the meetings to be held. This ‘Stay Order’, as applied for by Dr. Jona and his attorney and granted by the High Court in a verdict, determined that police intervention against the gospel meetings would be unconstitutional and therefore illegal. Praise the Lord! This attorney – being a Hindu before – gave his life to Jesus several years ago after being severly injured in a car accident. He committed his life to the Christian cause ever since.

In one of our meetings of the year before I saw in a vision a red carpet being rolled out toward us from a highly official building with pillars in front of it. At first I thought it to be governmental. Now I understand it to be the High Court. Because of this judicial miracle we were able to freely proclaim the cross of Jesus Christ and the incredible blessings that come as a result of it.

Standing on platforms among palm trees along the Godavari riverbank under the same stars that God showed Abraham and seeing some thousand poor men, women and children listening to the Gospel and raising their hands toward heaven make us feel incredibly privileged… Apart from the conversions we heard the stories of all kinds of healings (cancers, tumors, fevers, bad eyesight and all kinds of pains in different parts of the body). We also got reports of unfruitful women conceiving babies since last year’s ministry.

Isn’t Abraham’s God wonderful?