In November we were invited by Pastor Peter (Pakistan Gospel Mission) to the Islamic nation of Pakistan to hold an evangelistic healing campaign and pastors meetings in the region of Punjab. Before the first meeting the compassion of the Lord came strongly upon me and I remembered the scripture that says: ‘He saw a large crowd, and felt compassion for them and healed their sick’, Matt 14:14.
The crowds grew every night and the campaign tent with over 1500 seats was filled to capacity on the last night. About 250 people responded to the Gospel Message and surrendered their lives to Jesus. God did outstanding miracles.
A young man suffering with terminal stomach cancer had been given up by his doctors, as the cancer had been spreading to other areas of his body. They had sent him home from Oman – where he was working – to die in his home country. I prayed for this incredibly weak and suffering man on our way out. After a few days we received notice that he was tested and diagnosed cancer-free by his doctors.
One night as we were leaving the meeting, a Muslim police officer came to the van, that I was already sitting in, asking for prayer for his kidney stones. I quickly prayed for him. The next day he visited us with a big smile on his face, hugging me and testifying that Jesus had healed him. He had been suffering for over 5 years and now he was pain free. A boy of about 9 years old being carried around by his dad would cry for pain when they put him down. For some reason the muscles in his legs were too short. As we laid hands on him he started walking around by himself without pain. There was one young lady suffering from continual headaches for 9 years. The pain instantly left her.
While being in Pakistan, two evangelists organized a second Gospel campaign in another Muslim area. It was as if it started raining healings during that meeting. A paralyzed elderly Muslim lady had been carried on a chair into the meeting. I never saw her until she came walking to the platform testifying that she hadn’t been able to walk before. A man stated that his lame leg came back to life. A woman with a broken arm felt the pain leave. A woman with one paralyzed side stated that she was healed. The stream of people coming to the platform to testify seemed endless. Arms, stomachs, headaches, necks, fevers, asthma, back pains, knees, teeth, … again Isaiah’s prophesy was being fulfilled: ‘He Himself took our infirmities and carried away our diseases’, Matt 8:17. Jesus is alive! Praise His wonderful Name!
Two weeks after the campaign we received the following email:
My Dearest Beloved Pastor Erik Riemens,
Praise the Lord … Greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ!!!
I received four Miracle Testimonies after your meetings in Pakistan. We are so happy and blessed.MIRACLE REPORTS from Pakistan:
Three women who had been barren for many years have got pregnant within days after they had been prayed for.
A man with Hepatitis C who came to the last meeting has been healed. The doctor confirmed his healing!
A boy with tumour has been healed. The tumor totally disappeared!
A man who could not get a job for a long time has got a full time permanent job!
I give glory to God. HE IS THE HEALER!May God Bless You all in Jesus name.
Pastor Peter & Pastor David