Our Gospel campaign in Andhra Pradesh, India nearby the city of Ongole was fruitful. It was the second time for us to visit this area and as we had seen the Lord doing great things the year before, we were expecting big.
The attendance on the first 2 nights was lower than anticipated. But then, while preparing for the third night, the Lord spoke to me: two-fold, three-fold, four-fold. That night as we arrived on the campaign field the crowd had doubled from the nights before. During the meeting people kept coming in, vehicle after vehicle arriving at the site. At the end of the night the crowd had tripled. The fourth night the crowd grew to four times the size of the first nights. Hallelujah! God is the Lord of the harvest! Upon doing an invitation for salvation that last night, the people streamed forward to give their lives to Jesus. Precious souls were won for the Kingdom of God.

Girl healed from blind eye
One night the anointing was very strong, and many who came on the platform were healed from their diseases.
Two girls, both having one blind eye were healed. Another girl with pain all over her body fell on the ground after praying for her. When she stood again, she was crying intensely. After praying a second time, the pain was gone.
Our God is so wonderful! He makes the blind to see, the deaf to hear. He lifts every burden. He is our victory!